The IO:A documentary, Part 1
We would like to try something different. Of course, music is what we like to do the most. But at the same time we were wondering: “Is there something else that we could add to the work of a band?” And yes, we found an answer to this question: Let’s try to bring the people out there closer to what is happening inside a band. Show them footage from our rehearsal room, share our thoughts and ideas with them via video, show them some moments of our work, scenes of musical inspiration as well as the detailed and intense work behind a song. Sometimes it works out … and sometimes it doesn’t.
Yes, this idea is ambitious, and we really do not know wether we will be able to realise it. But let’s give it a try. And if you like to comment it and step into dialogue with us, it will be quite a boost for our motivation to follow this path!